Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Why the drinking age should not be lowered essay

Why the drinking age should not be lowered essay

why the drinking age should not be lowered essay

Lowering the drinking age to 18 years old would lead to an increase of car accidents connected to drunk driving; it would also negatively affect youths’ cognitive development, clouding their ability to make decisions and plans, and would make them The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered The legal drinking age should not be lowered as it has been proven it will have negative effects on the individual and society. The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the ’s. During the Vietnam War era the legal drinking age was lowered to 18 to accommodate the soldiers that were in the War Currently, there is a great debate happening about lowering the drinking age. While some people believe drinking age is fine at the age of 21, others believe that drinking age should be lowered. Teens should be able to drink alcohol at 18 or 19 without getting in trouble. The legal drinking age should be lowered [ ] Keeping the Drinking Age

Lowering The Drinking Age Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on blogger.com

The dissident of lowering the drinking age to eighteen from twenty-one say that teenagers are not responsible enough. They also state that altering the MLDA would make it significantly easier for high school and middle school students to access alcohol. Nevertheless, supporters of amending the MLDA suppose that if an eighteen year old is why the drinking age should not be lowered essay enough to get married, vote, join the military, and sign contracts, then they are responsible enough to drink….

Lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen would decrease the thrill of breaking the law to get a drink. Lastly, eighteen year olds should not be denied the enjoyment of drinking, when other pleasurable activities are legal at age eighteen. The subject of lowering the drinking age to eighteen is very controversial. Many argue that since…. This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion.

By lowering the drinking age, less and less young adults will have the urge to drink. In a News Weekly article, Jeffrey A.

The notion that this law is accomplishing anything to actually stop or even curb teen drinking is preposterous. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-indulgence, anti-social behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking and a massive diversion of human energy. In Alaska they are making a bill for active members of the military that are 18 to be able to drink. People who oppose to the fast since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of claim the roads have become safer since the kids were delayed on being able to drink.

People against this are also saying that alcohol consumption is still a problem but lowering the age would do nothing to work against it being a problem. Right now we pretty much have a alcohol prohibition for adults ages 18 to 20 years of age. What we are doing now is not working and it is time to try other things. In Although, when people hear about the drinking age being decreased, they have vigorous opinions of disagreement.

Adults do not like the conception of their 18 year old legally drinking alcohol. But, the other options would include having their 18 year old illegally drinking at a party and later getting involved with the police, which is causing more problems that they, and their parents, will have to deal with.

As they will always have their way to the alcohol from their family or friends. It is not safer than maintaining the drinking to 19 in Ontario. It will make people break the laws. b At 18, people are considered as adults, so they should take the responsible whether they are drinking alcohol or not. In addition, alcohol related automobile accidents increased.

At first, lowering the drinking age would increase alcohol related problems involving high school students. However, college issues would decrease. As stated in the Harvard study, underage students believe the chances of being caught with alcohol are lower at a fraternity house compared to a club or party.

At eighteen, one is considered an adult, but, can not do all the things adults are able to do. It is thought that lowering the drinking age would cause more drunk driving accidents, but, there could be other laws that could be enforced to help with this. In Dr. As we enforce a drinking age limit of 21, we are also driving alcohol consumption underground, which causes binge drinking and poor habits. We must provide alcohol education online programs that will help teach safer drinking habits in a more responsible and supervised environment.

Alcohol will continue to remain as a representation of rebellion and pleasure to young adults and teenagers unless we take action. One of the best steps to doing this is by slowly eliminating the glorification of alcohol, by teaching this at a young age.

Lowering the drinking age can show a possible decrease in binging and poor drinking habits, especially throughout high school and young college students, why the drinking age should not be lowered essay. Binge drinking among college students is a problem that every state, in the United States, has to battle. Binge drinking among college students not only poses health risks to the individual drinker but also to everyone around that individual, why the drinking age should not be lowered essay.

The legal drinking age in the United States is currently twenty-one; however, the age restriction should be dropped to eighteen. Various people have different views why the drinking age should not be lowered essay opinions about alcohol; ergo, everyone cannot be considered to have the right answers.

The United States must find a way to control the abuse of alcohol and why the drinking age should not be lowered essay drinking among college students, or the problems will only continue to grow and become worse.

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Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 4. Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen would decrease the thrill of breaking the law to get a drink. Words: - Pages: 5. Controversial Issues: Lowering The Drinking Age This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, why the drinking age should not be lowered essay, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion.

Persuasive Essay On The Effects Of Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 In Alaska they are making a bill for active members of the military that are 18 to be able to drink. Minimum Legal Drinking Age Analysis In Words: - Pages: 3.

Words: - Pages: 6. What Are The Benefits Of Lowering Drinking Age Go To 18? Binge Drinking Essay Binge drinking among college students is a problem that every state, in the United States, has to battle.

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Should We Lower The Drinking Age?

, time: 4:17

Drinking Age Essay | Bartleby

why the drinking age should not be lowered essay

The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered The legal drinking age should not be lowered as it has been proven it will have negative effects on the individual and society. The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the ’s. During the Vietnam War era the legal drinking age was lowered to 18 to accommodate the soldiers that were in the War  · Why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay? First, lowering the drinking age to eighteen will eliminate the thrill of breaking the law for eighteen to twenty year olds. The idea of being rebellious and breaking the law while still having fun and not harming others in the process is an appealing and exciting idea for many underage college students Why the drinking age should not be lowered As we all know and understand, alcohol has to be handled with responsibility and not to be misuse. Alcoholism affects so many people in the United States due to irresponsible decisions, but most legally teens who are considered adults say, once you are eighteen, you should be able to do whatever you want because you gained more civil

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